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BATS Improv presents: SF Noir: Fate Was Never Funnier

BATS Bayfront Theatre - Shows

2 Marina Blvd Bldg B Fort Mason Center, 3rd Floor, San Francisco, CA 94123

From $5.00

No upcoming date/times for this event.

This February, BATS Improv presents an unforgettable tribute to the gritty allure of Film Noir—San Francisco style. Set against the iconic fog of Fort Mason, SF NOIR is a series of shows that turn the familiar hard-boiled cliches inside out and lines them with soft, luxurious comedy. Wise-cracking dames and doomed flies in the web, battle the big-money bad guys with high-stakes action and pulse-pounding passion in this all-improvised-four-night-explosion of stories from the shadows. Directed by Brian Lohmann. It’s noir like you’ve never seen it before—dark, dangerous, and deliciously funny.

Tickets for BATS Improv shows range from $15-$25, with Pay-What-You-Will tickets available on the second Saturday of the month. Tickets may be purchased online here or in person beginning half-hour before the performance. All performances take place in BATS Bayfront Theatre in the historic Landmark Building B on the Fort Mason campus in San Francisco. Paid parking is available in the adjoining lot.

Genre: comedy, mysteries

Q&A Trailer: 

Directed by Brian Lohmann

Show Dates and Times

Saturday 2/8 8pm

Tickets: $20 Student/ Senior $25 for General Admission

Pay-What-You-Will tickets available

Weekend Special: Free Coffee or Tea

(One free regular sized coffee or tea per ticket holder)

Cast: Nikki Zapanata, Rafe Chase, Derek Yee, Jerry Ruoti, Regina Saisi

Saturday 2/15 8pm

Tickets: $20 Student/ Senior $25 for General Admission

Weekend Special: Ticket Holders can enter into a drawing online for a chance to win a free Improv book*

(The drawing will be at the end of the show in Lobby 2, one free entry per ticket holder. Good for any book in stock, while supplies last. Value up to $20)

Cast: Basel Al-Nafourri, Lisa Wang, Laura Wachtel, Rafe Chase, Derek Yee

Saturday 2/22 8pm

Tickets: $20 Student/ Senior $25 for General Admission

Weekend Special: Buy 1 get 1 free on all beverages on the Closing Night of BATS Shows*

(Good for all non-alcoholic and alcoholic drinks for 21+ with valid ID. Must consume onsite before closing time. Free beverage is good for equal or less value)

Cast: Nikki Zapanata, Brian Lohmann, Laura Wachtel, Regina Saisi, William Hall

BATS Policies:

All sales are final. Sorry no refunds.

Seniors are ages 62 and up.

Youth are ages 18 and under.

Parental guidance: Improv can be unpredictable! While most BATS performances are suitable for teens and some adventurous middle-schoolers, we recommend considering what other entertainment your child enjoys. We provide general show descriptions—like rom-com, comedy, or drama—and will flag any content that may include violence, such as in "Improvised Kung Fu." Ultimately, we trust parents to use their judgment in deciding what's appropriate for their child.


Refund Policy:

Sorry no refunds for our shows at this time.

Cancellation Policy:

An event can only be canceled by the venue and/or event organizer. If the venue or event organizer cancels an event, you will be refunded within 4 business days of the event date for your purchase.

BATS Improv presents: SF Noir: Fate Was Never Funnier poster
BATS Bayfront Theatre - Shows
2 Marina Blvd Bldg B Fort Mason Center, 3rd Floor
San Francisco, CA 94123
(415) 474-6776